The disgrace of democracy's birth place, the leaders of this bunch of bodybuilder stabber scums are now behind prison bars.
Noone knows if they will be convicted severely, or if this is just a governmental trick to get again some desperate ex-voters and most important to cover the tough measures of austerity that are planned to come.
Maybe the "golden" gorillas are happy inside the bars, to feel like a kind of "martyrs" or think that this way they follow their imprisoned political grandfather's steps and write there their own "Kampf" .. And dreaming then το come to power and make reality any sick thought that masturbates their imagination ..
Their arrest is something that should have been done long time now, since everyone knew their criminal activity all these years, but a part of politicians, media, police and certain economic interests supported on purpose their presence.
This naive sketch i drew below is how i see the situation created by the deliberate tolerance of the greek state to the neonazi phenomenon inside a country that bled from the nazis :
This naive sketch i drew below is how i see the situation created by the deliberate tolerance of the greek state to the neonazi phenomenon inside a country that bled from the nazis :

Unfortunately the greek society and democracy still have a long way to get out of this chaos created by the economic crisis.
The poison of fascism keeps on hiding well to be used again to distract people's attention away from the tragic reality they have to face everyday.
images below found in google images :